Derailed (Terminal Book 2) Read online

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  “Yes you do, and it’s always amazing.” Lexi winks at me as I limp past her. She slaps my ass causing a surprised yelp to sneak past my lips.


  Rolling my eyes I continue on my awkward path to her vehicle, after all, my fiery temptress wants her presents.

  Chapter 10

  “Landyn, what the fuck happened in the past few days? Like, fuck, bro. First you profess your undying love for Siannon in the cheesiest way possible. By the way, what in the actual fuck was that? Coloring books??? Fuck, dude.” I scold him for his stupidity from the living room entryway.

  Landyn drops his head into his hands and takes a deep breath. “I never told her I loved her.” He groans.

  “Close enough!” I cross the room and sit on his stupid white artsy fucking chay or chase lounge or some shit. It’s a weird fucking sofa. I don’t get it. I can’t even get comfortable on this fucking thing. I can’t even fucking say its name right. “You should have just told her about Brooke from the beginning. Instead of fucking lying to her.”

  Micha walks back into the room shaking his head as he tucks his phone back into his pocket. “Believe it or not, I agree completely with Desmond. You should have told Siannon back when we thought maybe the chick that was causing shit for her could have been Brooke. Your ex psycho.”

  “She wasn’t my ex ANYTHING,” he states into his hands. “I fucked her a few times and that was it. I never told her shit.” Landyn sighs scrubbing his face.

  “That’s not the way Brooke sees it, and now Siannon sees it the same way,” Micha states calmly leaning back on the regular couch and tossing his left ankle up on his right knee.

  “FUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!” Landyn yells and quickly stands storming out of the living room.

  I feel sorry for the bastard, but really he is never honest with his girls. Total damn shame. I drop my hands to my lap with a clap and stand up. I promised Lexi I would stop by with some food for her and Siannon. She says the poor girl looks like shit, and Lexi can barely even get her to come out of her room.

  “Gotta go. Good luck with him.” I nod at Micha as I slide my sunglasses into place.

  “Fuck you. Where are you off to?” Micha asks.

  “Dinner with Lexi.”

  “You’re having dinner with Siannon’s best friend,” he states in disbelief. “Or is that just what you’re calling fucking and chucking these days?” He raises his eyebrow at me.

  “Bye, fucker,” I tell him without giving his comments a second thought. I don’t even bother saying goodbye to Landyn. He’s fucking wallowing in self-pity and I think he should roll in it for a while.

  My limp is getting better, but it still hurts when I put too much weight on it. I climb into my car and drive to pick up the food I ordered an hour ago from my favorite takeout place. It’s a pretty calm evening. LA traffic is typical and I think I’m going to be lucky if I get to Siannon’s and the food is still warm.

  Forty-five minutes later, I am finally pulling into her visitor stall around back. Knowing full well that my hobble will prevent me from carrying all this food up the stairs, I have to ask for help. Again. I fucking hate being so needy.

  ME: Lex you wanna come down and help me with something?

  LEX: Um… I don’t want to blow you in the parking lot.

  ME: Can you at least handle my bag a little?

  I laugh at my childish ways. I’m a goddamn riot.

  ME: Just the smell is gonna make you want it.

  ME: You’ll be licking your lips to taste it

  I’m sitting in the parking lot, texting a girl I like, snickering like a hyena.

  LEX: Des?

  ME: You’ll have to be gentle though. My bag is delicate.

  LEX: Uh Des…. helloooooo.

  ME: Don’t squeeze too hard or we’ll have a big mess to clean up.

  LEX: DES!!!!

  ME: What?

  LEX: Look out your window.

  I turn my head to look over my left shoulder and there’s Lexi, standing right fucking there on the other side of my door waving at me. While I was being a child, my girl came to help me. Damn… this role reversal shit sucks nutsacks.

  I open the door and stand in front of her. She’s a natural beauty, which is so refreshing in this town. Offering me a quick kiss, she notices the bags on the passenger seat and walks around the car to claim them without asking a single question. I wonder if she found my texts as funny as I did. Probably not.

  “Come on, gimpy, let’s go eat.” She nudges me and walks past to the back entrance of the building.

  “That really hurts, babe.” I grab my chest and puff out my bottom lip.

  “Suck it up, buttercup,” Lexi calls over her shoulder and holds the door as I make my way to the building. Stopping just before her, I take off my sunglasses and lean in a smidge.

  “You really want to see me cry don’t you?”

  With an eye roll, she pushes me through the door and toward the stairwell.

  I walk behind her, pretending it’s because I’m limping, but in reality it’s so I can stare at her sweet heart-shaped ass. That very ass will be bent over her table later as I pound into her again and again. I readjust my pants as my dick starts to swell thinking about all the various ways I will be fucking her as soon as I’m recovered. Maybe I should get her to come to Europe. They have some wicked clubs in Paris. My inner deviant is not helping the hard on situation at all and the fucking chafing from my jeans is making this all the more difficult to limp up the stairs.

  The bodyguard nods at us as we enter the suite. I look around and wow, Landyn fixed this up nice! New furniture, painted walls… that fucker has got it bad. Lexi puts the food down and calls to me from the kitchen.

  “Babe, can you lay it out? I’m going to go check on Siannon.”

  “You’re talking about the food right?” I wink at her and it earns me another eye roll. Limping into the kitchen, I take out the various containers and spread them across the table. Once I finally find the plates, I stack three on the counter and being as hungry as a mother fucker, I dig in loading my plate high with amazing Chinese food.

  Lexi comes back into the kitchen and shrugs. “I can’t tell if she’s awake or not. She didn’t answer me.” She’s pretty upset about this whole thing and I can’t say I blame her. This has been a fucked up journey that no one should take. She steals a piece of beef from my plate and gives me a peck on my cheek. We stand in the kitchen both of us eating from my plate, quietly talking about Siannon.

  “Lexi?” Siannon calls out as she steps into the kitchen.

  “You’re awake! Good.” Lexi rushes to her best friend and wraps her arms tightly around Siannon. “Desmond brought us some food.” She points to the counter filled with takeout containers of various sizes. I place my plate on the counter and hobble over to the sad girl with open arms. Before I wrap them around her, I look into her eyes and seek approval. I don’t want to overstep myself with her. She needs people she can trust right now. Her face drops and she nods a sad approval. I pull her to my chest and give her a squeeze before smoothing her hair

  “Jesus, kiddo. You look like shit,” I mumble into the top of her head. “You need to eat, Siannon.” I pull her to the counter and I dish up a plate for her, loading it high with protein and carbs. “Your bodyguard is outside, and he’s not going anywhere. You’re safe.” I assure her, and then I turn and offer her the plate with a mountain of food piled high.

  “How much do you think I’m going to eat?” Her eyes grow wide and she climbs up on a bar stool, offering me a sad smile. “How are you doing, Des? Sorry I stole Lexi from you for a couple of days.”

  “Don’t worry about me. This is all kinds of fucked up, Siannon. I can’t believe it got this crazy! She’s a number and always has been.” I pull the other stool out and sit beside her. I have to tell her the truth, she deserves it. She needs to know about Landyn and Brooke. “We met her at a meet and greet a few years ago. Landyn gave her a backstage pass for after th
e show. I don’t know what happened during that meeting. None of my business, all I know is she started making threats online and stalking our friends. It got nasty.” I take a drink of my soda and put it back on the table. “Then she got quiet for a while.” I spin the glass in my hands. “And by the time you were involved, we were already trying to figure out what to do with her. It’s not all about you. I promise you that.”

  Lexi is leaning her hip against the sink listening intently. She knows this story. I’ve told her bits and pieces over the past few days. “Sweetie, you really should call Landyn,” she tells Siannon. “He’s losing his shit. The guys are supposed to be in the studio and can’t because he refuses to be there in case you come home.”

  “It’s true, Siannon. He’s a pathetic son of a bitch right now.” I agree but in my head I know he deserves this.

  She puts her plate on the counter and stands up. “I’m not hungry anymore. I’m going to bed. You guys can lock the door on your way out.” She storms into the bathroom and slams the door.

  Fuck. That’s the last thing I wanted to do.

  We put the containers in the refrigerator and let ourselves out. Quietly we make our way to my car. I drop my head back on my seat and close my eyes. Guilt washes over me.

  “I didn’t mean to upset her, Lex.”

  “I know, babe.” She takes my hand in hers. “Me neither but can we just walk away though? I mean the shit she’s already been through.”

  “She’s a big girl, Lex. She’ll call if she needs you.”

  I turn the key in the ignition and pull out of the parking lot. Silently we make our way into traffic and Lexi starts humming along to the radio. “I love this song.” She smiles.

  Listening closely I smirk when I realize it’s a fuckin’ bubblegum pop song from the 80s. Shaking my head I roll my eyes and hiss out the word “kids” which makes her laugh and slap my chest. My not quite healed yet chest. Which causes me to groan in pain and jerk the wheel slightly. “Fuck, babe.” I laugh.

  Her hands snap over her face quicker than I can say on your knees and her eyes bug out of her head. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry. Fuck. Shit. Sorry.” The guilt drips from her and she looks like she’s about to cry.

  “Sweetie, it’s okay.” I laugh. “I mean, it hurt. But it’s not the end of the world at all, babe. I’ll survive.” I try to assure her, but I think I’m doing a piss poor job of making her feel better, so I opt for a hand squeeze and return my hands to the steering wheel to continue the drive in silence. Instead of taking the turn-off to her place, I continue driving until we’re on the Pacific Coast Highway.

  Lexi looks out the window and smiles at the ocean to her right as we head south to Santa Monica. Parking the car, we walk to the beach and head to the water line where we can take off our shoes and feel the water.

  “Why did you bring me here, Des?” Lexi asks while kicking a wave.

  “I figured you needed to step out of the Siannon and Landyn shit show for a while. You need to forget. You need to stop focusing on them.” I tug her pinkie with mine and she turns to glare at me.

  “Why, Des? Why do I have to stop taking care of my best friend? I don’t want her to regress she’s worked SO FUCKING HARD.”

  “Lex, I didn’t bring you here to fight with you. I brought you here to let you know it’s okay to think about yourself now. You’ve done so much for her. She doesn’t remember how to do it for herself. You have to let her figure it out, Lex,” I tell her as gently as I can, while still holding her pinkie with mine.

  She stops walking and drops her head. Releasing a painful sigh, I see that she’s shaking. Thinking she’s cold, I take off my jacket and wrap it around her shoulders. Pulling the zipper up, she looks into my face and I see the tears. Suddenly, I feel like the biggest douche, and I hold her face in both of my hands, brushing away her tears with my thumbs.

  “What did I say, babe? Don’t cry.”

  “You’re right,” she whispers and I hear the faint popping of sticky saliva with each word. She sniffs and nods frantically. “You’re right. I need to let go. Siannon won’t heal if I keep trying to fix her.” She blinks and tries to form a smile,with a quivering chin and a puffy lip it’s far from a smile.

  “I didn’t say for you to stop taking care of her, I just said it’s time to think about you.” I take both of her hands in mine and swing them a little. “And maybe me?”

  Releasing a sharp puff of air she scrunches up her eyebrows and twists her smile. “And you?”

  “And me.” I nod

  “What are you trying to say, Charter?” She pulls back and smirks at me.

  “I’m saying that maybe you can think about us. Not just fucking.” I lick my bottom lip. “Moving toward something… maybe?”

  “You have something in mind, Des?”

  “I’m thinking my vagina is fucking larger than a fucking whale.” I admit and shake my head.

  “I don’t love you, Des.”

  I kiss her hard on the mouth and pull back just so my lips brush hers. “I don’t fucking love you either, Lex.”

  She bites her bottom lip and bounces on her toes.

  “Got ants in your pants, babe?” I step back and hold her at arm’s length to avoid any further injury from her.

  “I have an idea. Come on!” She runs ahead of me without hesitation to the pier. My limp prevents me from any speedy chases that might come up. Stopping just before the dark that falls below the gigantic playground above, she waits for me to catch up and pulls me under with her.

  “I want you to fuck me hard and fast right here, Des.” Her hands hastily begin unbuttoning my pants. It doesn’t take much to get me hard, just looking at her pulling her shorts down over her heart-shaped ass and gripping the support post of the pier while she bends in front of me does the trick.

  “Hold on, babe.” I grab her hips and thrust deeply into her while strangers have fun above us on the Ferris wheel. Just the thought of being watched from the shadows keeps me going. I like to perform for an audience and I always hope I am giving them the best show possible.

  “Harder, Des,” Lexi begs, and it drives me to pound into her harder and faster than I have before. She’s moaning and mewling in pleasure and pain as I drive her to her release. Her walls begin to quiver around my cock, egging me on.

  I shudder my release into her and kiss her back. “Fuck, Lex. You never cease to amaze me.” I moan into her back as I pull out and help her pull her own pants up.

  “Right back ‘atcha, Des.” She winks and presses into my body. I wrap my arm around her and together we walk back to the car, smiling like the cat that ate the canary.

  Chapter 11

  Landyn hasn’t been doing well at all. He’s actually fucking everything up and if we don’t get this album finished, there will be a lawsuit on our hands and quite frankly I don’t want a fuckin’ lawsuit. Evan and Tim have already decided to ship us off to Europe to finish recording, we leave in two days. Ready or not.

  I walk in his front door and see him sitting on the floor with luggage surrounding him and clothes everywhere. Lowering my sunglasses, I turn around the room in awe, mouth dropped open and everything.

  “What. The. Fuck.” I can’t believe what I’m seeing. He sits there in exasperation, listless, sad. “Dude, stop being a fucking pussy and go talk to her. Say goodbye.” I walk further into the room and drop my glasses to the coffee table by the stupid fucking couch that I can’t pronounce. “We need your head in the game, fans are counting on you. The fucking label is counting on you. Dude… I am counting on you.”

  He looks up at me and inhales sharply through his nose. “I know.”

  For the next hour we talk about the shit we did as kids and our promise that we would live our dream and make something of ourselves. Do something that mattered to us. We don’t talk about chicks. We talk about our music and our future. Looking at my watch, I see that it’s time to go meet Lexi. I’m taking her to stay at my place for the first time.

“Gotsta go, Lan.” I stand and pull my coat on. Big day tomorrow. Y’know, packing for a few months overseas and all.” I shrug and offer him a salute.

  “Yeah.” He stands and scratches his chin. “I think I might know a little bit about that.” He chuckles and rubs the back of his neck. “I’m gonna pack up tonight and run a couple of errands tomorrow.”

  Landyn walks me to the door and rests his hand up high on the jamb. “Hey, Des.”

  I turn around and shield my eyes from the bright orange rays of the setting sun with my hand. “Yeah?” I call back to him.

  “Think I can fix it?”

  “I dunno. You’re gonna try aren’t you?”

  “Yeah, I think I am.” He nods and tosses his hand up in a single motion wave.

  I pull my keys out of my pocket and bounce off the curb and around my car to the driver’s side door. Climbing in, I pull out my cell and press the speed dial for Lexi.

  “Hey, Des.” She purrs into the receiver. “You on your way?”

  Her eagerness brings a smile to my face.

  “Sure am. I’ll be there in twenty-ish. Have your bag ready you’re staying with me for a couple of days.”

  “Yes, sir.” She teases.

  Ending the call, I turn over the ignition and pull onto the road. I’m nervous and excited to share another part of me with her. Drumming my thumbs on the steering wheel, I find myself humming “Lust and Craving” and I get it. I fucking get it!

  I pull up and Lexi is standing on the step waiting for me. Her bag is over her shoulder, she has a lollipop stick poking out of her cherry red lips, and her legs look so long in those shorts. I roll down the passenger window and she leans in the car like a common street walker.

  “Fuck, Lex, you look sexy.” I run my right thumb over my bottom lip, while squeezing the steering wheel and re-positioning myself to accommodate my sudden growth. Smiling wide, she stands up, steps away from the car and casually turns around making sure I can see her heart-shaped ass. “If you don’t get in this fucking car this minute, I will put you over the hood and fuck you until my flight.”