Derailed (Terminal Book 2) Read online

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  “Whatever. Look, can we fuckin’ practice now please? Do this Kumbaya shit later?” I suggest. I can tell that this is not something Micha wants to discuss in front of one of us, and that’s cool, but I came here for a reason and I am going to pound on my drums.

  “Let’s do it!” Landyn replies as he walks toward the house and lets us all in. Heading to the room in the back I look at Micha, who is obviously steaming. I’m going to have to figure this fucker out and soon. Tim looks like his shit doesn’t stink, like always. I wonder what we missed between these two.

  Sitting down behind my kit, Micha picks up his guitar and ensures it’s tuned while Landyn and Tim head into the control room. I look over at Micha, who nods signaling he is ready. I count it down on my sticks and begin pounding out “Sinner.” Landyn joins us and listens to each of our instruments keenly before singing the first line.

  Two hours after practice begins, Landyn has finally decided that rehearsal is over for the day and he pulls out the laptop to have a video chat with the Sinners. Unannounced chats are always the most fun, less people. Catching them off guard. Good times. I sit to his left and Micha to his right. Waiting to load, Landyn clicks a few keys and we are in. We watch the chat for a few minutes. The online crowd is quiet right now and we can’t wait to pounce. Pressing the control button, a black box appears and the Sinners start questioning the event. He has it set so there is no video just yet, only sound.

  “Hello, Sinners, how is your afternoon so far?” Words start flying all over the chat screen, another key click and the video goes live. More words fly past. I doubt I would be able to read them all if I tried. More and more chatters enter the room as the Sinners take to twitter and texts to announce our presence in the chat room.

  “So I thought I would bring some friends to say a quick hi this afternoon. You know my good friend Micha and my cousin Desmond.” We both poke our heads in and greet the group, smiling like the fools we are. We chat for a few minutes, filling the Sinners in on our upcoming events and tours before signing off and heading into the living room that is starting to fill with the team and many friends ready to hang out for the day.

  Landyn stays online with the Sinners while many of our friends are starting to congregate around the pool under the warmth of the sun. After greeting those I care to acknowledge, I grab a beer and sit beneath the giant palm at the edge of the cement pad to watch everyone do their thing. I don’t join in because I have very little interest in socializing with this group, there are a couple of girls I would have no problem fucking, but I don’t care to do much else with this crowd.

  Micha joins me in the shade of the palm tree, and before I know it we are having a heated round of “What if”, our current escape from reality as we watch the chaos ensue through Landyn’s backyard.

  “Okay, so What if when we woke up in the morning, the sky was yellow and the sun was blue?” Micha asks while slugging back the last of his beer.

  I blow out a puff of air and a belly of laughter before I respond. “I would have to say that the fuckin’ Lizard King would rise to be king of all people because that sounds like a pretty cool fucking LSD trip.”

  “The Lizard King? You both fucking know that Jim Morrison is dead right?” Landyn walks over to us shaking his head. Both Micha and I nod at Landyn as he joins us. I tip my bottle back and take a deep drink. Micha’s phone chirps and after looking at the screen, he quickly stands and dusts off his pants.

  “Gotta go.” Micha starts backing away and flashes us a peace sign with his fingers, much to my enjoyment.

  “Who the fuck flashes peace signs anymore, fucker?” I call out as the gate closes behind him. Finishing off my beer, I take notice of the time and say goodbye to Landyn as well. We’re only a couple of weeks away from our Ukrainian leg. I just want to go do my own thing for now away from these fuckers that take up far too much of my time as it is.

  Chapter 3

  Stuffing the last of my belongings into my dufflebag, I pick up my passport and take one last look around the apartment. Patting down my pockets I feel for my keys, wallet, and phone. Satisfied that I have everything that I need, I throw my bag over my shoulder and leave my suite to meet the car in the front of my building. For the first time in many tours, all three of us will be traveling together to our destination. Usually, one of us is coming from another location so we meet up just before the show at the venue for sound check.

  Landyn is in the car already, with his eyes glued to the tiny screen of his cell phone as usual. Since he started seeing the golden ticket girl, I have been trying to get him to hook me up with her friend. He laughs at me whenever I bring it up and somehow I don’t think he thinks I am serious. I’m as serious as a fucking blow job.

  “Hey, cockblocker,” I greet as I sit in the car across from him and close the door. The leather seats are cold from the air conditioning and squeak below my ass as I slide into the seat.

  “What’s up?” he asks not even looking up from the screen.

  “Are you going to be on that fucking thing the entire time?” I ask as I lean further back in my seat, stretching out while I can.

  “Most likely.” Landyn nods.

  “Give me that.” I groan while I reach out and steal his phone. I look at the screen and there’s a bunch of shit about nothing. “Who the fuck is Pinkie?” I crinkle my nose and ask pointing to the screen.

  Swiping his phone back, he tucks it in his coat pocket and stares at me. “Why do you keep calling me cockblocker?” He scratches his bushy chin and drops his hand back to his lap.

  I ignore the question and look out the window as we drive to the airport to meet with Micha. That fucker has been acting weird lately and neither myself or Landyn can figure out where the fuck he is constantly running to. We arrive at the departures lounge and Micha is there speaking on the phone, looking a little distressed. There’s a discussion taking place and he doesn’t want us to be bothered.

  “Look, I’m gonna go. I’ll call you when I get back from the Ukraine.” He pauses and scrubs his hand over his face. “That’s right, about a week. Mmhmm. Yep. Alright, thanks. Bye.”

  “What’s happenin’, Micha?” Landyn asks while we each take a seat to the side of him.

  “Just shit, man, always. I’ll fill you in another time though.” He takes a deep frustrated breath and shoves his phone into his pocket. “Right now nothing is going anywhere, so it’s not worth the words.” He gets up to walk into the lounge and finds an empty row for us to sit. The three of us sit for the next two hours discussing our obligations once we get overseas. Meet and greets, call in radio shows. Another whirlwind tour. Apparently, my best friend, Tim, is meeting us there but Evan is staying stateside to arrange the studio time and Japan. Luckily, there is nothing extracurricular about our visit to Europe. We are simply to go there and put on a show or two, make a couple of phone calls and then come home. It’s supposed to be a simple tour, but when you’re on tour is there really such a thing as simplicity?

  Swiss Air 72 to Zurich is now boarding. Please listen for your row number prior to approaching the desk. Please be sure to have your passport and boarding pass ready for our agents at the counter.

  Letting out a groan, I stand and pick up my bag, followed closely by Landyn and Micha. As we approach the counter, the attendant obviously knows who we are and I can’t help winking at her. Hey, if it will get me an extra blanket or pillow, I’m all over that shit. She leads us to our seats personally before other travelers are allowed to board. Inserting my ear-buds, I fasten my seatbelt and close my eyes. Being a frequent flyer, I could easily recite the emergency procedures of any flight from the US to Australia. It’s a fifteen hour flight to Zurich, and my plan is to tune out as many people as I can for the next ten.


  After a week of concerts, traveling from city to city in a fucking reeking bus and quick back hallway blow jobs, Landyn calls a meeting with all of us in the green room. I walk in and see that I am the last to arrive as usual. Mic
ha and I nod at each other and I lean against the green brick wall.

  “Glad to see you decided to join us.” Landyn smiles and stands in front of all of us in the tiny damp room.

  Flipping him the finger, I rub the side of my nose and tuck my shades into the neck of my t-shirt and cross my arms. I could be doing so much more, like that cute girl from catering with the big blue eyes. Her lips will look amazing wrapped around my cock. I shift my weight to the other foot and let out a deep sigh. “Get on with it, Lan.” I circle my hand.

  “So, I called you all here to let you know that Siannon will be joining us for the last leg of the tour. She’s got some pretty big shit going on, and I would feel better if she was here.” We all stop and just stare at him. The whole room stays quiet for a couple of moments until Tim clears his throat. We all turn to him and he opens his mouth to speak.

  “Didn’t you think it would be in your best interest to consult with not only your band mates but perhaps the management team?” Tim asks while tapping his fingers on the armrest of the lumpy green sofa.

  “No, I didn’t, Tim. I was thinking someone, who I am seeing by the way, could use a hand and I can do that. Maybe we could show her that we are genuinely nice guys and care about other people. I don’t know. Call me crazy.” He throws his hands up and lets them drop to his sides. “Look, she will be here tomorrow and I expect you all to be kind to her.”

  “She bringing her friend?” I ask hopefully.

  “No, talk to her yourself when she’s here okay? I don’t want to be your pimp.” Landyn throws his arm over my shoulder as we leave the room to get ready for the show.

  The fans are starting to arrive and fill the building. We can feel them charge us with their excited energy as we get dressed. It doesn’t take long for me. I basically wear what I’m wearing now, no need to impress. Landyn, on the other hand, always has some sort of amazing costume to wear. Picking up my earpiece, I tuck it into my ear and strap the battery pack around my chest leaving the room to find my band mates. Instead, I find Micha pacing in the common room, looking at his phone.

  Why is this fucker so stressed out these days?

  We nod at each other and wait for Landyn. For once, we are waiting on him. Tim arrives and this is my cue to begin absorbing the excitement in the building.

  “Landyn! Get your ass in here, motherfucker!” I lean out the door and call as he steps into the hallway.

  “I’m coming,” he replies and I duck back into the room returning to my place in the huddle.

  Landyn enters and joins our circle. “We’re going to have a fantastic show tonight, boys, listen to them. They’re waiting for us to entertain them. Let’s live the dream with them and for them!” Landyn speaks, filling us with inspiration. Reminding us why we do this, and who we do it for. We never want to forget or ignore those who have brought us here. The most amazing thing is being fans to the Sinners as much as they are fans to us. We stay as available as possible to them, keeping a balance for them and us. Without each other, if there are no walls, there’s nothing for people to get desperate to break down or get obsessed over. At least, most people. There was Brooke after all.

  We follow the maze of wires and maneuver around the scaffolding that makes the stage. I rush to my drum set, veiled by darkness and instantly I am in the zone. Micha rushes past me to his mark and straps his guitar over his shoulder. Picking up my sticks I listen and watch for my cue to begin to set the mood. The first row may have noticed us entering but we are still invisible to many in the building. They chant and sing our songs waiting for the show to start. Finally, Tim gives me the go ahead, and I pick up my sticks slamming out the opening beat to the show. Micha joins in and Landyn finally appears on stage, pacing the length and giving the crowd what they came for. Entertainment.

  Two hours pass quickly and we are rushed backstage to our changing rooms. I close my door and climb into my shower, letting the water run over my body as I take my cock in my soapy hand and jerk off. I always jerk off after a show, as if the concert was my foreplay and the shower is the crescendo – the fucking one hundred piece orchestra finishing the concerto. I get out of the shower to find Landyn in my room tapping on his cell phone screen. Toweling off and stepping into my jeans, I wrap a towel around my shoulders and use one end to dry my head. Crossing the floor I pick up a bottle of water and twist off the cap. Raising it to Landyn in acknowledgment, I put it to my lips and take a drink. “What’s up?” I ask.

  “I want to fill you in on some Siannon stuff before she gets here, just so you aren’t constantly asking about a hook up.” He crosses his ankle over his knee and leans back. Rubbing his eyes with the heel of his hand, he looks tired and really stressed out.

  “Fair enough.” I sit on the chair across from him. He knows me well. I would hit on her the whole time she’s here. It’s part of my charm.

  “I’m bringing her here because she lost her job. This is her first week back after an extensive leave of absence due to anxiety.” He looks at his phone and smiles before tapping the screen a few times. They must be texting each other. “Anyways, she lost her job today and she’s been getting harassing letters. She just needs a break and I want to give her one. So, do you think that you can just welcome her in? Be a friend, maybe?”

  “She’s had a rough go of things, huh?” I put down the bottle and cross my arms over my chest.

  He drops his gaze to the floor and shakes his head. “You have no clue, brother.”

  Standing I begin to walk to the door but pause beside my cousin clapping him on the shoulder. “You got it. I’ll make her feel welcome.” Taking my hand back, I smile and reach for the doorknob. “I might not even try to fuck her.”

  “You fucker.” Landyn chuckles behind me as I step into the hall and toward the car that’s waiting to take us to the hotel room.

  Chapter 4

  The crowd tonight is loud – louder than I remember a crowd ever being. Even crazier than back home. The fans are singing “Lust and Craving” at the top of their lungs. We can feel their voices all the way in the bowels of the building. Siannon meekly sits off to the side, anxiously watching us prepare for tonight’s show. She seems better than the first time we saw her but knowing Landyn he’s working on getting out of her shell. He’s got that ‘I don’t give a fuck’ attitude and that makes him pretty awesome.

  I walk over to her and take her hand in mine, if she’s backstage she needs to be a part of this experience. Leading her into our huddle, she is welcomed by everyone there before we start quietly chanting. “Feel the love, live the dream.” She listens the first time around and joins in chanting with us, but quietly. Seemingly unsure of what to do or how to act with us. We drop each other’s hands and start screaming, jumping, and clapping. This is it. Time for the show.

  “The stage is ready and the crowd is primed. Let’s get Terminal,” Tim calls out. I jump on Micha’s back, we all start goofing off, whooping and hollering. It’s showtime and tonight it feels so different. Rushing on stage, Micha and I take to our instruments under the cloak of darkness and all I can hear is: “TER-MIN-AL. TER-MIN-AL. TER-MIN-AL”. The crowd is unbelievable, electrifying.

  Landyn starts singing before he appears on stage and the crowd goes fucking crazy. Cheers erupt and fists raise into the air. Voices begin to sing along with their leader, and the feeling of satisfaction swoops over the entire crowd.

  I never want to own you

  I want you here willingly

  When you give yourself over

  Lust and Craving

  Wanting and needing

  Give yourself to me


  Suddenly, he appears on the stage from below. The lift raises him into view and the lights are flashing announcing his appearance, the crescendo of the opening song. The concert rages on, the crowd sings with and worships before us. This is more than a band and their fans. This is a union – a marriage. A fuckin comical, messed up mostly sexless polygamist marriage.

We play for the next two hours giving the crowd what they want, fucking them senseless with our music and having them beg for more with each cheer. My dick is hard just thinkin’ about how I guide them with my drums like the fucking pied piper. Sweat pours down my back and my arms are numb as I finally end my set and toss my drumsticks into the crowd. I know I could pick any number of women and men, for that matter, from this audience and have them do as I please. It just wouldn’t be a challenge and I like challenges once in a while.

  Stepping back I smile as I look up at the crowd in the highest rows and wave. My journey continues backwards and I check every few steps to make sure I won’t trip on a wire or a passed out fan. I look around at the chaos and smile appreciatively of everything that has happened for us in the past few years. This is almost better than sex. I turn around and rush off the stage toward the common room. I’m so fucking tired and thirsty. I figure I can shower later when I get back to the hotel room. Landyn will still be a little bit, but after last night’s chat with him I want to make sure Siannon is alright, and I’m pretty sure that’s where she’s waiting.

  I crash into the room grabbing a bun and a bottle of water before dropping to the couch. “Hey, beautiful.” I greet her and take a giant bite from my handy sandwich. She doesn’t say anything, instead her hand continues to cover her mouth as she stares at the computer screen in disbelief. Concerned, I sit up and lean in so I can see what’s up. “Whatcha lookin’ at?”





  “What the fuck? Did someone send that to you?” I’m confused and angry. Why would someone send this? She simply nods and I rub her back while reading more of the messages on the screen. Landyn pushes the door open right then and eyes me curiously. He knows me well, but this time I think his immediate assumption is all wrong.

  “What’s wrong?” He joins us on the couch. “Babe, what’s going on?”