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- Marie, Lisa
Derailed (Terminal Book 2) Page 3
Derailed (Terminal Book 2) Read online
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“Dude, look at the fucking screen.” I angrily point at the offending machinery, still rubbing Siannon’s back. No one deserves this kind of harassment. Landyn turns the computer so it is in his face and his expression changes from accusation to rage.
“Holy shit. Siannon, you went to the cops already, right? I’ll get the team back home to pull these messages and we will take them to add to the file and get you a restraining order. It will be fine, I promise.”
I stop listening and cross the floor with my dinner to sit in the chair across from them. I turn my attention to my cell phone, playing some mind-numbing time waster while I wait for Micha to come get some dinner before we head back to the hotel. I raise my eyes to the couch where Siannon and Landyn are still talking. She is visually shaken and he’s obviously concerned for her. Something tells me this isn’t the first threatening message she has received and it weighs heavily on the two of them. I don’t know what I can do for her, if I should do anything at all. If I can do anything at all.
Moments later Micha pushes the door open and Landyn’s attention shifts towards our guitar player, who waves and rushes to the food table. Unlike Landyn and myself, Micha feels he needs to shower directly following any concert we put on. I don’t like sticky, sweaty balls either, but I can wait to get back to the hotel. I’d rather fall into bed as soon as I’m done washing.
“Alright, boys, Siannon and I are off to the hotel. See you in two days.” Landyn crosses the room and claps me on the shoulder. I nod as they turn and leave the room. Smiling I look at Micha. “That was your fault, ya bastard! Driving them away. Fucker!”
Micha fills his mouth with potato salad, chews it and squishes it between his teeth. Attempting to talk around his food he manages to moan out, “Who me?” while food drops from his lips to the floor and we both start laughing. I toss my pickle at him and it lands in his hair.
“I just fucking showered!” he gasps and I toss a tomato narrowly missing him. Once we stop laughing, he settles back down in his chair and swallows some water. Nodding toward the door, he asks, “Why was the room so quiet when I got here? They fighting already?”
“No, dude, it’s bad. Someone’s harassing her big time. She got some threatening messages in the chat room.” I sit forward and rest my elbows on my knees.
“Landyn’s chat room?” His eyes grow wide. “Is she back?”
“Landyn says she’s back, but I don’t know if it’s her saying that shit. The username wasn’t what hers was.” I drop backward into the chair and scrub my face with my hand.
“You do know that you can change those, right?”
“I know.” I admit.
“So is there a plan?” Micha finishes his bun and drops the plate on the table beside him.
“Unknown, my friend. This doesn’t feel right.”
Chapter 5
Siannon sits with her head in her hands while I sit quietly on the other side of Landyn’s living room. We got home this morning from Europe and the shit hit the fan. Landyn leaves the room while talking on the phone with Evan. I wonder if he knows yet?
Suddenly a red tornado spins into the room freaking out about the blame falling on her. Fuck she has a nice ass. I watch her animated movements while she speaks with Siannon about the vandalism that has taken place in Siannon’s apartment. Someone went all psycho shit and destroyed her home. Pillows, clothes and the walls all cut up and shit. I was told it was really fucking bad there.
“Was it you, Lexi?” Landyn asks as he comes back, tucking his phone back into his pocket and crosses his arms.
“No, Landyn, you’re kinda not my type.” She looks at me and licks her lips. “Drummer on the other hand…” Her hand still rests on her hip, maintaining her pissed off attitude but eyeing me hungrily. I lean back and look at her, changing the position of my suddenly tightening jeans when she winks at me and I know in this moment that I am getting laid tonight.
“Siannon’s key is right here on my keyring, where it always is. I went there twice and ate the things that would be the stinkiest in the fridge when she got home but didn’t go back. She has no pets, plants or kids. Nothing for me to water.”
Siannon gets up and heads out to the patio, while her best friend discusses the situation with Landyn and I attempt not to stare at her. I mean I don’t want to creep her out, but I can sure as hell guarantee that I will be busy tonight. When she crosses her arms, they push her gorgeous round tits up to show off her ample cleavage and I just want to bury my face in between them. My jeans are getting tighter and tighter, so I take a deep breath and stand. I have to go outside for a minute, get some fresh air.
Lexi’s eyes turn to watch me walk in her direction. Right now, there is a lull in the conversation between her and Landyn. Probably because he’s taking yet another phone call, but she’s still facing him and in their conversation one hundred percent. Stopping just beside her, she turns her head to look at me and I lean in.
“So you like the drummer, huh?” I ask quietly, barely above a low growl.
Her pillow lips part and her tongue dashes out to meet the corner of her mouth which is now upturned in a sexy smile. She nods in response as her teeth meet and her eyes tell me she wants more than a friendly conversation. Lexi doesn’t come off as nervous, she’s a woman who knows what she wants and likes more than she lets on.
“I’m going to go check on your friend. When I come back you can tell me what you want.” I cock my head to the side to gauge her reaction. She bites her lip and pushes her chest out slightly, I don’t even think she realizes she does it, it just happens. Naturally.
Slowly, I walk past her, close enough to feel warmth but not to touch, and head out to the patio where Siannon is sitting alone staring into the night sky.
“Landyn knows she didn’t do it, sweetie,” I assure her quietly so I don’t cause her to startle. I join her and sit in the chair directly across from her resting my elbows on my knees and drop my head. “I just really hope you’ll be okay.”
“I think so, Des. I really do,” Siannon replies quietly as I look up at her. She rests her elbows on her knees and drops her head before raising her gaze and smirking at me. “I know they will find her soon and I can go back to my life as it was before. Weaning me off my meds and feeling somewhat comfortable in my own skin.”
“Has Landyn ever told you about his… fuck what would you call it? Anxiety? Issues?” I scrub the top of my head and drop my hand to my thigh. “He fought a fucking battle with that shit. Seriously, touring was nearly impossible. Talk to him. He can fucking help your head.” He taps his temple with his finger.
“I never knew that about him.” Siannon shakes her head. “But then again, his private life was none of my business because I am a fan of the music and the band.”
Suddenly she starts laughing. “Did you know that some girls know what kind of fucking underwear you buy? Some cross the line every day and think that they own you because they buy your records. It’s fucking laughable. I mean, you guys give and give and give and they still want more. They don’t understand that you need personal time too. It’s all so…”
“Selfish,” Landyn chimes in from over Siannon’s shoulder making her jump and squeak. I chuckle and lean back in the chair. I think I am going to leave Lexi alone for a few minutes. See what she’s really about. Maybe Siannon will want to go in to her, I hope not or I am going to have to change gears. “Those are the fans, the ones wearing the mask of The Sinner,” Landyn continues and brings me out of my thoughts. “Pretending to be something they aren’t, when, in fact, they are the ones grabbing at us when we walk through the hotel lobby and stealing our water bottles when our backs are turned.”
“So fucking true.” I agree. “Fuck, if you’re a fan girl… be a fucking fan girl. Don’t pretend you are something you’re not. It’s fucking ugly.” He chuckles and raises an eyebrow. “But I don’t buy underwear. They just get in the way.” I look directly at Siannon and wink.
Laughing, Landyn throws
the wadded up napkin in his hand at me. “Fucker.” He pretends to cover Siannon’s ears. “My girlfriend does not need to hear about your untethered cock.” His pretend anger causes me to bust out laughing. “Go entertain Lexi. I have to chat with Siannon.”
And there’s my cue. I could kiss him. “Sounds good, cousin. Do what you need to do.” I stand and act cool, shoving my left hand into my pocket and turn to walk back to the house. “I’ll make sure Lexi is in good hands. Fuck did you see the rack on her?” My hands cup the air as if I’m grabbing some rather large breasts.
“Des, come on, man. She’s my friend.” Siannon groans.
“I kid, I kid! Jokes.” I turn away from her and open the patio door. “Maybe.”
As I enter the living room, Lexi is sitting on the white couch. Her knees are bent so her feet are up on the cushion. Her wrists are resting on her bent knees, and she’s eyeing me hungrily. “I was told to entertain you. However, that was my plan anyway.”
“I see. I thought you wanted to know what I want.” Lexi lowers her feet to the ground and begins to pull her full bottom lip.
“I know what you want.”
“Is that so?” she questions playfully as she stands and pushes her hands into her back pockets, pushing her ample breasts up. I can make out her hardened nipple through the material of her shirt, and my mouth begins to water.
“So here’s the deal.” I look directly at her. “I don’t play games or beat around the bush, I like to fuck. I’m actually quite good at it. So I’m leaving, follow me or don’t. It’s your call.” I pull the keys from my pocket and walk toward the door. It really doesn’t bother me either way. I would just love to bury myself in her for a while.
Walking outside, I climb into the driver’s seat of my car and close the door just as Lexi reaches my car. Tapping on my window and bending over, exposing that milky cleavage. I roll down the window and smile at her. “I don’t play games either, and I don’t take orders the first time I fuck.” She licks her bottom lip. “I also won’t go to your place, so if you want to fuck you can follow me. I have a double stall, you can pull in behind me.” Standing, she turns and walks away from me to her own car that’s parked two cars in front of mine. I watch her ass as she walks away and wonder if there is double meaning to her remark.
She climbs into her car and pulls away from the curb. I do the same and we both pull into traffic. At each stop light, she looks in her rearview mirror to make sure I am still behind her. I just hope we get there soon, my balls are swelling by the minute and I need a fuckin’ release.
We pull behind a pink stucco apartment building and just as I was told I pull in behind her. Turning off my car, I watch her get out of her car and lean against the door. She smiles when she sees me and walks toward me as I climb out of my car. Stopping in front of me, she licks her lips, and it’s all I can do to keep my cool and not throw her over the hood of my car.
“Before I let you in,” she begins as she presses herself up against me. My body reacts the only way it can, my dick is getting painfully hard. I hear the traffic all around us as the dark settles in. “I need you to promise that you aren’t some crazy guy who is gonna proclaim his love for me after one night of sex. You gonna get all crazy, Des?”
Her face is so close to mine I can feel her sweet breath against my face. I smirk at her and run my hand up her body to the back of her neck. Gently wrapping my hand around the low ponytail that rests there, I pull back and expose her throat. She gasps quietly out of surprise but not fear. I barely touch my lips to the skin just below her ear. “I plan on getting all kinds of crazy but everything requires your consent. I’m not a stalker. I’m not a boyfriend. I’m not delusional. Now we can either fuck right here or we can go to your place. It’s up to you.” I pull away and release her hair. She takes a deep breath and places her keys in my hand. “Your place it is.” I smile, take her hand in mine and together we walk to her building.
I slide the key into the door and twist the lock. Pushing the door open, I lean against the jamb and allow her to go in first, it is her place after all. I’m such a fucking gentleman. Following closely behind her, I close the door and walk into the studio apartment. Nice open floor plan with exposed beams. Tons of potential.
She stops in the middle of the room and turns to face me waiting for direction. I take in my surroundings. Bed against the far wall, small dining table by the window and small kitchen just off to the left. Looking back at her I remove my jacket as I walk to the table. Lexi’s eyes follow me as I cross the room before her. Pulling out the chair I turn it to face the bed and stand in front of it. Lexi waits in the center of the room, watching me.
“Have a seat.” She smiles.
I look up at her and smile. “Oh it’s not for sitting,” I tell her as I lean the back of it against the bed and take a step away. Turning to face her, I gesture with my finger for her to come to me. Lexi walks toward me, anticipation showing in her now very hard nipples.
Reaching over my shoulder with one hand, I pull the back of my shirt up and off my body in one motion. Lexi gasps and steps closer, her eyes focused on my shoulders. “Take off your clothes.” I direct her while a small shiver runs through her. Fuck if my gentle commands make her quiver, I wonder if I could top her? Would she comply?
She pulls her shirt over her head and pulls down her jeans. She’s left standing in front of me in unmatched bra and panties. This makes me smile. She’s confident and she doesn’t give a fuck. I want to test my boundaries. I have a feeling she would say no if she didn’t want any of it. Grabbing a pillow from the bed, I turn and drop it to my feet. I open the zipper on my pants and my cock springs free. Her eyes grow wide and she licks her lips. Dropping to her knees in front of me, she pulls my pants down to my ankles and helps me step out of them. The whole time keeping her eyes on my hardened dick.
Finally, her warm mouth wraps around my shaft. She sucks gently while taking it deeper and deeper at a slow pace – most likely to prevent gagging. Although in all honesty, the gagging is hot. I watch her as she re-positions herself so I can fuck her mouth. She grasps my ass and holds on tight while I thrust into her full lips. I feel my balls tighten so I pull out. I don’t want to lose my load in her mouth and have nothing left for her pussy.
Her swollen lips are parted, and she looks up at me with her glassy eyes, patiently waiting my next request. “Fuck, Lexi, your mouth is fucking talented. Let’s see what the rest of you can do.” I help her up and sit her on the bed, moving the pillow slightly. I drop to my knees before her and bend her legs so her feet are resting on the mattress. Pulling her “boyfriend material” underwear off, I push her knees apart to showcase her beautiful pussy.
With my hands on her thighs, I dip my head lower and lick her bare lips. They feel like velvet against my tongue. She gasps and drops her head back. My tongue runs up between her lips and finds her clit causing a sharp hiss to come from Lexi. Her skin has goose bumps and I push her legs apart further. Flattening my tongue, I slide it up the length of her slit and press the nub with the tip of my tongue causing her to twitch beneath me.
“You like that don’t you.” It’s more of a statement than a question.
“Yes,” she admits quietly with a shaky voice.
“Do you want me to make you come like this?” I ask as I swipe at her once more, spreading her open with my thumbs.
“Des,” she gasps. “Inside. I want you inside me.”
I dip my tongue deep inside her one last time and stand dragging my fingers up to her knees as I rise. Looking at her spread before me propped up on her shoulders in just her bra.
“Condom?” I ask as I stroke myself from base to tip.
“Bedside table,” she answers breathlessly.
I pull open the drawer and find the foil square that I am looking for. I tear the corner and remove the latex from the package. Keeping my eyes on her, I slide it on and pinch the tip. Stepping back, I pull the low backed chair closer.
“Come here,�
�� I command her while I reach for her hand. She stands and steps away from the bed. I turn her toward the back of the chair and gently place my hand between her shoulders. I press her so she’s bent over it with her hands bracing herself on the seat.
Bending over, I lick her spine as I press my cock against her backside. My right hand reaches around and begins to circle her clit as my left hand squeezes her ass. Pulling away slightly and delivering a swat to the beautiful globe in front of me. Lexi’s back arches and she squeaks which tells me she’s into a little spanking. She could be more fun than just a one night fuck.
Grabbing her hair and wrapping it around my fist, I tug her head back as I sink into her from behind. We both welcome the feeling.
“It’s about fuckin’ time, Des. Fuck me already,” she tells me when I relax on the hair pulling.
“I love it when you ask me so sweetly.” I chuckle as I release her hair and grab her hips, driving into her deeper and harder. My balls are slapping against her clit, causing her to moan and writhe in front of me. Her hands are still planted firmly on the seat of the chair as I drive harder and faster into her warm, wet pussy.
Sliding out of her, I re-position her on the bed and climb between her legs. My hand travels between her gorgeous tits and I raise her legs over my bent arms and drive into her again. Her tits dance with every thrust and her eyes roll back in pleasure. Biting her lip she’s calling for God. I want to remind her that I’m fucking her not him, and my name is Des. Her fingers curl around the bed sheet to her sides and I release her legs, leaning over her further making my thrusts hit deeper than before. My balls tighten as they slap her ass. I’m getting close so I begin to grind my pelvis into her clit and watch her unravel beneath me. This alone is my permission to blow and I unleash a mighty growl, milliseconds before I release the hounds and collapse beside her on the bed.
“Holy shit.” She sighs and I have to agree, holy shit indeed. Having her for a fuck buddy is going to be fucking fantastic.