Derailed (Terminal Book 2) Read online

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  Chapter 6

  “I don’t know if I want Siannon to know about this. I mean,” Lexi starts before I finish untying her wrists. Her naked body is stretched along the bare post in the middle of her suite because of the small hook just out of sight above her head. I attached a coat to the post after Lexi and I spent the rest of yesterday experimenting in her bed and on any piece of furniture that would hold us. When she told me she had never tried anything kinkier than a blindfold and light bondage, my dick sprung into action. I needed to try so many things with her.

  “I don’t give a fuck who knows. I mean we will be fucking each other on a regular basis,” I explain to her as I press my lips to the back of her neck. “And let me tell you, I am already having a TON of fun showing you what I like. By the volume and frequency of your begging, I think that you are too.” She turns around and presses her bare breasts against my chest before leaning in she playfully smiles up at me and bites my shoulder.

  “I’m having fun with you too. I’m glad we’re on the same page here, Des. I mean about us but really. Can we not tell Landyn and Siannon just yet, this whole open whatever it is.” She starts to walk away without finishing her sentence so I wrap my hand around her wrist, giving a gentle tug to turn her attention back to me.

  “If you don’t want to tell her yet that’s fine with me. As long as I don’t suffer in the meantime,” I inform her and pinch her nipple, causing her to yelp and swat my shoulder. I watch her as she bends over and pulls her tiny little “Love Muffin” panties up. It seems all of her panties have weird little phrases on them.

  “I want to take you somewhere tonight,” I call to her as I pull my jeans up and cinch the belt.

  “Really? Des, we’re just fucking you shouldn’t take me anywhere. People will start talking,” she chuckles as she pulls her tank top over her head and frees her hair. “You are kind of a celebrity, remember?”

  “Fuck that, anyways I’m not Landyn. I’m quite forgettable,” I say raising my chin and winking at her. “Anyways. I’m gonna go meet the guys, tonight I want to take you to my favorite club.”

  “You takin’ me dancing, Des?” Lexi eyes me curiously as she ties the laces on her tennis shoes.

  “Um.” I smile at her. “Not quite dancing. You’ll see when we get there.” I slide my feet into my boots and she stands in front of me. “Trust me, you can wear whatever you want. No one will care.” I press a kiss to her nose.

  “Okay.” She sighs. “Where am I meeting you?”

  “I’ll come and get you, this is a–” I pause in an attempt to find correct wording. “Private club, you couldn’t get in without me if you tried. And I will text you before I leave.”

  “Sounds good, now get out. I have to go to Siannon. Check on things, see how she’s doing.” Lexi laughs and walks me to the door.

  Laughing, I step out into the hall and toss a wave over my shoulder. I never look back, why would I? Tucking my hands in my front pockets, I bounce out the door to the parking lot where my car is parked. It was raining last night so I didn’t get the chance to go for a ride, but today I am opening her up down the coast and only the taste of sweet pussy can stop me. It’s going to be a while before I can do it again.


  That ride was fucking amazing – the deep vibrations of my bike between my legs as I flew down the Pacific Coast Highway. There’s no feeling like it, it’s nearly orgasmic. Parking my bike, I tuck my helmet under my arm and strut into my building. Stepping into the foyer, I get my mail and look up to see from down the hall that chick smiling at me again. I smile back and nod.

  I stalk down the hall toward her. She’s panting faster with each step I take. “Open the door,” I demand as my hand reaches for her breast. She whimpers and turns the knob, granting entry into her suite. Slamming the door behind me, I watch her hungrily as she backs into her living room. Her nipples are so hard they tease me through her pale blouse. Slowly, I walk into the room and with the first step I open my belt. Second step, I slide it through the loops. Third step, I wrap it around my hand. She bites her lip and sits on the ottoman in the middle of the room. Fourth step, I pull open my button fly and stand before her. Stretching the leather between my two hands, I smile down at her.

  The scenario runs through my mind and not acting on it is taking every ounce of my being. I know I could fuck her and have a whole lot of fun doing it. I know I could do what I want to her, she knows I’m in a band. She’s heard the stories. I mean who hasn’t… but I have plans and they involve me sinking my dick into the sexiest redhead with the milkiest tits I know. Raising my mail up to her in a wave, I lock up my mailbox and climb the stairs to my apartment. I need to call Pothos and make the arrangements for tonight. Dropping my keys on my table, I punch the number into my phone and fall to the sofa in my living room. I prop my feet onto the coffee table still thinking about my downstairs neighbors perky nipples.

  “Good afternoon. Thank you for calling Pothos. Kennedy speaking, what services can I provide for you today?”

  “Good afternoon, Kennedy. I would like to arrange a viewing party for tonight.” I lean forward and tap my thumb on the table for a couple of beats before changing positions and shifting my dick. I have to remember to wear looser pants the next time I ride. These don’t have much room for the after-chub I get.

  “One moment please, let me pull up your file. May I have your membership number?” We only book things by membership numbers to keep the anonymity of the club. Every one of us has to sign legal forms and nondisclosure agreements before we even get through the first level of membership.

  “Yes, it’s 6277l490.” I recite from memory.

  I hear a few clicks of acrylic nails on a keyboard. “Oh here we go. You haven’t been here in a while! We have some new services and we’ve expanded some of the rooms.”

  “Not this time thank you, Kennedy.” I rub the back of my neck and drop my hand to my lap.

  “Perfect, okay. I just have a couple of questions for you. How many do you want in your party? Will you be bringing a guest? And do you have a room in mind?”

  “I would like to have four in the party, gender non-specific. I will be bringing one guest with me. She may show interest in joining, can we arrange a temporary membership for her?”

  “Of course,” Kennedy states. “And which room did you want tonight?”

  “Actually, I want the one with the small bath, statues and pillars.” I close my eyes and imagine all the things that I can do in this room. It has to be one of my favorite rooms at Pothos – all pillars, wooden benches, pillows and a large circular bed. But the focal point of the room is the small bath. Various ledges to sit on, with handles and rails for grip. It fills from the bottom with a tap on a screen so there are no faucets to get in the way.

  “Very good. I will ensure its availability for seven p.m.” She clicks the keyboard some more. “Alright, so the message has been sent to our members stating a viewing party will be held at seven p.m. in the room with the small bath. The first four to contact me will receive access to your party,” she assures me.

  “Thank you, Kennedy”

  “Will there be anything else today, sir?” she asks expectantly.

  “No, thank you. That is all I need.”

  I’ll fill my bag of tricks to take along and we will have everything to make Lexi’s Pothos initiation memorable.

  “When you arrive with your guest, we will require both of you to step through the door after your card is scanned or your guest will not have access either before or after you. All information will be on the screen once you enter the door, please follow all instructions and enjoy your visit tonight.”


  “Have a wonderful night, sir. Thank you for continuing to visit Pothos.”

  I press end on my phone and drop it to the table in front of me. Now that I have made the reservations, my dick swells with anticipation.

  Chapter 7

  After an afternoon of toy shopping and jerkin
g off, I finally arrive at Lexi’s place at 6:30. I let her know with a text that I am waiting by the front door with my motor running. Fuck both of my motors are running. I glance over my shoulder into the backseat where my new bag sits, running my fingers over my mouth, the excitement builds and I can’t wait to get her into Pothos. Turning up the radio, one of my favorite songs begins to play and I quietly sing along. Cars pass by me completely unaware of the dirty night in my very near future. Lexi steps up to my car and I have to readjust myself. She’s wearing a green shiny tank top and black pants. I would almost rather take her upstairs instead of to Pothos but reservations have been made and party favors have been purchased.

  “Fuck, Lexi, you look fantastic.” I groan, reaching across the seat to open her door. She sits on the passenger seat and I remove my sunglasses before sliding my hand up her thigh stopping just before her heat. A slight blush appears on her skin and her eyelids flutter shut.

  “Where are we going? Dinner? Dancing? Movie? Sex club?” she jokes while she pulls her seatbelt over her shoulder and across her body. I can’t help but smile creepily as the strap brushes her nipple causing it to harden under the silky material. When she looks back up at me she notices the smile. “What?”

  Licking my lips I ask her to repeat what she just asked as I pull out into traffic.

  “Um where are we going? What do you think I asked?” She twists her lips and shakes her head at me.

  “Well, since you asked so nicely.” She rolls her eyes at me and I chuckle, gripping her thigh a little tighter. “Have you ever heard of Pothos?”

  “Pothos? What’s that?” she asks as innocently as a virgin schoolgirl. Her response makes it all the more exciting.

  “Pothos is an exclusive club, for members only. Tonight I’ve arranged for you to have a trial membership.” I brush the hair from her shoulder and tease her neck with my thumb.

  “Thank you – I think?” She’s confused and is starting to pull away. “Look, Des, fill me in. Don’t play these fuckin’ games.”

  “Okay, well Pothos is a club where all the members are there for one reason.” I smile and glance into the rearview mirror before changing lanes. “Their kink. It’s a private sex club where the members set the rules and the club provides the guests,” I explain to her as I pull into the right lane to drive onto the freeway. “I’ve arranged something special tonight for you. I was hoping that maybe you would like to try something. You don’t have to, of course, but I will be taking part.” I take her hand in mine and place it over my crotch so she can see how the thought affects me.

  “What’s your kink, Des? I mean, what should I expect so I can make an educated decision?”

  “I’ve called ahead and set up what Pothos calls a viewing party. I’m a voyeur. I like to be watched.”

  “Who watches you? And what do you like people to see?” she questions while rubbing the seam of my pants with her fingernails.

  “Whoever I ask? I don’t know. Whoever shares this kink I guess?” I inhale sharply. Her hand feels amazing. “I like them to watch me fuck. They watch me play and fuck and lick and eat the partner of my choosing. On occasion they join in when I allow. I call the shots and they do what I want.” I look over at her more turned on than ever. I have never had to describe my kink to someone before. “Tonight you get to call some of the shots.”

  “I see.” She grows quiet in the seat as she peers out the window. “And you thought I would like this?” By her tone, I start to second guess myself. Maybe she isn’t as into this as I thought she might be. Is it possible I misread her?

  “I like it. If you don’t like it, fine with me. But I do and it’s who I am.” I shrug and slowly start raising my privacy walls again.

  “I thought we were just fuck-buddies, why are you getting all personal and shit? Are you secretly a girl? What the fuck, Des?” She doesn’t hold back, blunt with a side of humor as always.

  “Yes, I am a fucking girl.” I chuckle as I pass another car. “Thought we could do something different tonight. If you don’t want to when we get there you can take my car. I’ll take a cab home. Okay?”

  “Jesus, would you stop trying to decide what I want to do? I’ll let you know when we get there, but I will have some questions first.”

  “Okay, ask away.” I smile.

  “Where is this Pothos place?”

  “We’re almost there.”

  “Fine, don’t tell me. What will be happening tonight?”

  “Well, I want to fuck you and have people watch.”

  “Will those other people be involved?”

  “If you want.” I look over at her and can see that she’s considering the proposition. “You will be my guest, we have booked the room. No one can tell you what to do when you throw the party, unless that’s what you’re looking for. The whole thing is safe and it stops when you want it to.”

  She nods and looks back out the window. The car is silent for the next ten minutes while I maneuver my way through traffic and exit the freeway toward Pothos. We turn off into an area that doesn’t have many buildings, and Lexi presses her face to the glass as we pull up the gravel drive and in front of the building.

  Pulling into a stall, I throw the car into park and turn to face her. “I’m going in and turning off the car?” I take her wrist between my fingers and begin to stroke the sensitive underside with my thumb.

  “I was fuckin’ with you, Des, let’s go in. I’ve heard of Pothos.” She smiles and leans across the center console. Her shirt drops low enough for me to see her cleavage before gently biting my bottom lip. “I know what it’s about and have always wanted to come here.” She smiles again and presses her lips to mine. “Glad I wore matching underwear for once,” she whispers against my lips causing me to chuckle.

  We climb out of the car and I open the back door to grab my bag before meeting her behind it. She eyes my bag suspiciously but says no words. If she knows Pothos, then I am pretty sure she has an idea of what is in the bag. The club is an old mansion in the “quiet” part of LA. Gravel leads up to the home, which looks abandoned from the outside. Few vehicles are parked to the side of the building. The girls inside ensure that there are never too many visitors at a time. It would definitely be a privacy risk to allow too many. Surrounded by trees we feel secluded and safe. Many of Hollywood’s elite visit here. Groupies, movie stars, producers, the rich and famous… all to live out our kinks without the chance of being featured in a tabloid. All the windows have bars and the door has heavy security. There’s even security down the road, so if vehicles arrive that don’t belong or aren’t registered to expected members they are asked to leave.

  I throw the bag strap over my shoulder and take her hand in mine, together we walk to the main door and I remove my membership card from my wallet to slide it into the key card slot. The light turns green telling us the door is unlocked, so I reach for the handle pulling the door open and we both step into the tiny entryway. Up on the wall there is a monitor with a video of the building playing. The voice reviews my party request for us.

  Welcome, 62271490. The small bath is waiting for you and your guest. Please be sure to walk down the hallway until you come across a door with a blue light illuminated above it. This will be your room for the evening. We have granted temporary membership to your guest. Their membership card will be sent to your mailing address as listed in your membership file. Please contact us to activate it upon receipt. Your party is expected to join you shortly. Thank you for joining us at Pothos, where your privacy is yours.

  The door unlocks and with a click it opens allowing us to step into the dimly lit hall. I take Lexi’s hand in mine and lead her past the other doors in the corridor to the last one on the left. “What’s stopping you from going into the other rooms that we just passed?”

  I point up at the dim blue light above the heavy wooden door. “That’s the light they mentioned on the greeting. It tells me which room has been unlocked for me to enter. All those other doors remain locke
d, go ahead, try one.” I wave my arm down the hall.

  Tentatively she tries the door across the hall and it won’t budge. “If you haven’t booked that room or signed up for what is being offered in that room your card won’t give you access to it. Also, you can’t even come up to the house if you aren’t registered to be here for the night. The security team will stop you at the bottom of the drive. If you get a new car, you have to provide details to Pothos. Proof of registration for that vehicle will be required as well.”

  “SO this place is completely legit and safe? How is anything that safe? How can your privacy remain private?”

  I open the door for her and she sees the most amazing statues and pillars in the room. “We all had to sign confidentiality contracts. Only members and guests are allowed here. If your guest spills the beans, you’re out on your ass. And since membership costs a hefty sum, we are extremely careful whom we bring with us.” I lean in and press her against the pillar. “So, don’t tell anyone about this, I really like it here.”

  “What kind of girl do you think I am?” she asks and cocks her head cheekily to the side.

  “Dirty.” I growl as my hand finds her breast. My left hand pins her arms above her head against the pillar, and her head tilts to meet my gaze. Lexi’s stare is heated and her lips part begging for me to taste them. Smiling, I dip my head, teasing her parted lips with my tongue. Hungrily, she strains against my grip on her arms silently begging for more.

  I hear the almost silent click of the door behind us. Our party has joined and the shuffle of their feet on the ceramic tile floor tells me they are positioning themselves around the room. Pulling away I raise her tank top to expose the underside of her bra. It’s a lacy purple thing and as I raise the shirt higher, I can see that it’s made completely of lace, and her pink nipples are totally visible. I gasp at the sight and she smirks as she bites her lip.

  I lower my grip on her arms, pinning her raised arms just above her shoulders with both of my hands. My thumbs hold her tank top away from her chest so I and everyone else can see these beautiful tits. My mouth dips and I wrap my lips around her left nipple. I watch as it beads below the lace and tents the material. My teeth graze her there and she moans. Pulling myself away from her, which was so fucking difficult to do, I pull her shirt over her head and she flicks her eyes away from me.